The Procedural and Institutional Framework of EU Competition Enforcement



  1. 21.03.2025 13:30
  2. 28.03.2025 13:30
  3. 04.04.2025 13:30

This module will cover in particular the following topics

  1. DG COMP and other relevant Commission organs
  2. Decentralisation under Regulation 1/2003, the role of NCAs and of national judges
  3. Infringement decisions and remedies
  4. The settlement procedure
  5. Interim measures
  6. Withdrawal of block exemptions
  7. Commitments, voluntary adjustments, inapplicability, etc.
  8. Informal guidance
  9. Fines
  10. Appeals before the C.J.E.U.
  11. Annulment proceedings
  12. Failure to act
  13. Actions for damages
  14. Case studies

In partnership with

Brussels School of Competition