
Benoît Durand is a partner at RBB Economics, which he joined in 2008. Benoît has extensive experience in competition economics, particularly in applying quantitative techniques in the context of competition law investigation.
Prior to joining RBB, he was Director of Economic Analysis at the UK’s Competition Commission. Before that he was also a member of the Chief Economist Office at the Directorate General for Competition at the European Commission. He was previously based in Washington DC, USA, where he worked in private practice. He has given expert testimony before the competition authorities and courts of several.  EU member states, as well as in cases before the European Commission. He worked on a range of competition matters, including mergers, abuses of dominant position, agreements and state aid. In addition, he has been involved in follow-on antitrust damage litigations. Benoît has worked for numerous clients, among which Google, Honeywell, Zimmer, British Airways and Apple. He speaks regularly at competition policy conferences and has published articles on a range of economics issues. He also teaches a course on competition economics at King’s College, London, and Barcelona GSE, Spain. Benoît received his Ph.D. in economics from Boston College, USA.

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Brussels School of Competition