Guillermo works as policy analyst at the OECD’s Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Digital Technologies Division (Science, Technology and Innovation Directorate), where he conducts policy and economic reviews and analysis on topics pertaining to AI policy and regulation. At the OECD, he has also worked extensively on Better Regulation and the regulatory governance of innovation.
Prior to joining the OECD, Guillermo served for over three years as policy analyst at the European Commission with a focus on areas pertaining to the digital economy. Earlier in his career, as economist at Milieu Ltd., a public policy consultancy, he conducted analytical and advisory work relating to public policy design, monitoring and evaluation, impact assessment, and the science-policy interface.
Mr Hernández holds a master’s degree in International Economic Policy from Sciences Po in Paris, a Masters in International Affairs and Governance from the University of St. Gallen, and a Journalism degree from Madrid’s Complutense University.
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