
The LL.M. programme in Competition Law covers a full academic year, starting on 13 September 2024 and ending on  27 June 2025. The courses are organised on Friday afternoons at the Sparks Meeting premises and via live stream. The LL.M. programme is divided into 10 modules. Each module takes place over a period of three weeks, with three weekly lectures on Friday afternoons from 1.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. On top of the modules, the clinical seminars will be held on three consecutive Fridays, for a duration of 4.5 hours each.

The LL.M. programme is geared towards the requirements of working professionals. Participants may decide to follow only part of the LL.M. programme, opting for a limited range of modules/clinical seminars which correspond to their main areas of interest.

Students interested in spreading the attendance to the programme over several years should mention it at the beginning of the application process. The Board may then allow the programme to be spread over a maximum of two years. Students who want to spread the programme over two years will be requested to pay a €500 fee per additional year. This fee covers administrative costs.


Students will be assessed at the end of each module. They must pass 10 out of the 10 exams, and submit a dissertation in order to obtain the LL.M. degree.

Assessments will typically take the form of an individual « take home examination » (e.g. case studies, multiple choice questionnaire, etc.) to be returned two weeks later. The exam is usually available a few days or one week after the end of the module.

As part of the LL.M., each student must write a short dissertation of +/- 30 pages covering both the legal and economic aspects of the chosen topic which may be related to the student’s day-to-day professional practice and attend the 3 clinical seminars.

Enrol for the full programme

10 modules + 4 clinical seminars

Pass the 10 exams

Get a mark of at least 10/20 for each

Pass the dissertation

Obtain a mark of at least 10/20 on
their dissertation.

Teaching materials

  • Online documentation pack

    Students will receive a documentation pack comprising an outline of their course and relevant regulations, case law and academic literature for each module.

  • Online teaching platform

    Students will have access to a teaching platform where they can upload the exam and consult the materials for each course.

  • Distance learning via Live stream lectures

    One lecture out of three per module will be held in classroom with physical attendance and LIVE STREAMED for the participants online. The full programme can be followed online.

Certificates and professional development points

The LL.M. degree shall only be issued to the students who have successfully completed the entire programme, composed by 10 Modules and 3 clinical seminars.

Certificates of examination or attendance can be provided to the participants who have followed separately different modules or clinical seminars. Students will have to successfully pass the take home exam for the module/s they have followed in order to receive a certificate of examination.

In addition, students attending the LL.M. programme, or part of it, are entitled to continuing professional development (CPD) points from the relevant authorities (Vlaamse Balie and OBFG).